
diamondback terrapin

February 9, 2018


Diamondbacks are some of the most beautifully decorated creatures in the Terrapin family. My illustration displays the brilliant orange crystalline-like scutes on the carapace of the shell, although the turtle appears in a wide variety of patterns and colors. They can be observed in the brackish marshes and rivers in the Chesapeake Bay. With their strong horned beak, they like to feed on mollusks and crustaceans.

For my pet turtles, which are Red-Eared Sliders, I made a video on How To Clean Your Turtle Tank. Please feel free to check it out and let me know what you think! https://youtu.be/z8J7UED_F9U


In the depths of the sea, two giants confront.  This is an original artwork of mine, done with pen and ink, and then color painted in Photoshop.  Prints are available for sale in my store.

illustration: blue crab

September 17, 2009


Don’t touch.  These are feisty crustaceans that will claw onto anything that comes close.  By the way, if you likey, my store (on etsy) is now open.  Please feel free to check it out!

sketch: prehistoric shark

August 17, 2009


The Dunkleosteus, a prehistoric shark, lived in the Late Devonian period, 380-360 million years ago.  It grew to as big as 33 feet in length.


My pen and ink drawing of sea life found in the Devonian period, 416 to 359 million years ago, during the Paleozoic era.   A print of this is for sale at my shop.

sketch: crab

July 16, 2009
