
painting: rainbow trout

April 9, 2010

I took up fishing about 5 years ago. And I’m still not very good at it. I’ve only caught an average of 3 fish per season. I’d catch a Yellow Perch or a Stone Bass, and feel like an accomplished male, then release it. But the real reward in the sport is in those large, very smart, finicky fish several feet deep under the canoe – the Trout. So this year, I attended an event at the local sporting goods store promoting fly fishing. All of a sudden, my casual hobby has turned into a formula for rocket scientists. And very expensive. Over $250 for a fly fish rod? Anyway, I think the only way I can capture a trout is with my paintbrush. So, here is a watercolor of a Rainbow Trout.

3 Responses to “painting: rainbow trout”

  1. You did a great job with this painting – the color is very well done.

  2. Kimbo Says:

    You used watercolor? That looks great.

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